Full view of Pangasius aquaculture
The Pangasius catfish, known as ‘basa’ and ‘tra’ fish later on, has been found originated in the Mekong River. The river starting from Tibetan Plateau, China flows down through Thailand, Cambodia, as far as Vietnam and emties into the sea through a network of distributaries. In reality, the fish found by it nature highly migratory riverine in Lake of Tonlé Sap, Cambodia. In Vietnam, it proved susceptibly flourishing alongside the Mekong delta region.
Back to the context of historical aquaculture, probably as early as in 1950’s. At that time with the farmers were even so few but the cuture has been developed afterward with many wooden cages floating on the water surface of Mekong River and also in ponds along the river, both its posterior & anterior ramifications.

The cultivation of fish on floating cages has made a boom since then. But in reality, this proved insufficient in terms of mass production. And farmers changed their trend of old culture for the pond farming as we see at present.